Hunting and fishing
Hunting is an important tourist offer in Lika. The diversity of wildlife attracts not only hunters in the hunting grounds in this area, but also their companions and photo safari enthusiasts in search of extraordinary landscapes and photographs of flora and fauna.
In areas where the forest trees are low, with open fields and karst one can find deer, rabbits, foxes, martens, badgers, while in among the higher forest trees susceptible to the continental climate we can find deer, wolves, wild boars, wild cats, lynxes and bears. The birds are represented with wild pigeons, partridges, pheasants, quails, woodcocks, wild geese, wild ducks, etc.
In Croatia, including the Lika region, hunting and hunting tourism is highly regulated, therefore it is essential that the hunters and their companions join an official representative, game warden or the owner of the hunting license for a particular hunting ground.
Where to hunt?
Hunting ground “Vrebac”
Hunting ground “Vrebac” This hunting ground is located in the heart of Lika, in the area between the mountain ranges of Velebit and Lička Plješivica. Hunting ground has an area of 12 640 ha. Hunting wildlife is abundant in wild game and has a stable population of wild pigs of about 400-500 animals.
Hunting ground “Krivi javor III”
Hunting ground "Krivi javor III" is situated in the southern part of the central mountain range Mala Kapela. Animals have found on these grounds favorable conditions for reproduction, primarily because there is no one disturbing them and the natural food sources and food left by humans (automatic feeders are full 365 days per year) are abundant. The main game species found here are the wild boar, roe deer, deer and brown bear, with a possibility of encountering a woodcock, doves, jays, foxes, badgers, martens and rabbits. Protected species of wildlife found in this hunting area include wolves and lynxes. For those who want to discover this area with no hunting weapons, and enjoy the pristine natural resources of this region, there is a possibility of organizing a photo hunt.
The tradition of fishing in the town of Gospić is very long and dates back to year 1927 when the Sports Fishing Association "Lika" was founded. Today Association manages the river Lika and its tributaries Novačica, Bogdanica, Otešica, Jadova, Glamočnica and lake Kruščica which makes a total of 155 kilometres of waterways. The waters are inhabited with many species such as trout, pike, catfish, carp, chub, tench. In the upper parts of the river, below the Velebit lives an endemic fish lički pijor (Paraphoxinus croaticus) that inhabits only the karst areas. Besides the river, particularly attractive area to all fishermen is the lake Kruščica where one can encounter capital specimens of catfish, carp, etc.
Where to fish?
The river Gacka, river Lika and its tributaries Novačica, Bogdanica, Otešica, Jadova, Glamočnica and lake Kruščica.