About Lika
Practical info
Where is Lika-Senj county?
Lika is located in the central part of the Croatian, bordered by the Velebit mountain to the west and south and the east Pljesivica. On the northern part borders are on the area of Gorski Kotar. There are many strategic and transport role because it links the continental and the Croatian coast. Through Lika pass state road Zagreb - Split and Zagreb - Zadar, highway A1 Zagreb - Split, and the railroad Zagreb - Knin - Split.
Climate and meteorological conditions
Continental part of Lika: average temperature 18 0C, lowers as the relief gets higherContinental part: littoral-Mediterranean climate, summer temperature up to 30 oC
Mountainous part of Lika: continental climate with temperatures up to 20 oC, and during the night up to 10 oC.
Climatic conditions in this area are mostly determined by winds of which the most famous are the south wind and the north wind bora.
Island of Pag: Mediterranean climate and the highest temperature can rise to over 30 oC.
International area code for Croatia
Area code for Lika-Senj County
In case of accident on sea and land call
Ambulance service
Fire brigade
Weather forecast
01 3832 182 www.meteo.hr
Road traffic
072 777 777 www.hak.hr
Croatian auto club
01 6611 999 www.hak.hr/info/